Steve kinda reminded me of this turtle that i found down near the pond and so i brought it back to my house and i ate for a week...... and i had a new pet turtle.
Steve kinda reminded me of this turtle that i found down near the pond and so i brought it back to my house and i ate for a week...... and i had a new pet turtle.
i loved it because it reminds me of my aunt edna before she converted to be mormon and was exiled from the family,
ps your really my idol
fuck your couch
FTW (that was your advice to write that), i liked it, it reminds me of my childhood a little bit. this is because i have rare organs that can work on humans and domestic animals so FEMA is trying to kill me. but i thought it was great.
wtf does ftw mean
hey i L O V E D this it was so goofy. you should make sequels to the cardboard box i watched it twenty times in a row also i favorited it and i made it a shortcut on my desktop. the first time i showed it to my little brother he couldn't stop laughing he even peed his pants,literally, to bad i had to clean it up. but its okay cause your cartoon made up for it. thanx alot
I aim to please, or pee, either ways fine
I like to video game with my online pals. I eat cheese nips and animal crackers and mac and cheese only. I have a pet boa constrictor that is very deadly and can kill a male deer. I also have a webkinz account it is Ninjaboy64.
Age 31, Male
Saint Bernards Middle School
My basement
Joined on 11/29/08